Wednesday, February 23, 2022


    Sometimes I just wanna build a rocket ship and fly straight into the depths of space. No real direction, no real goal, just up, up and away. I rarely dream, but when I dream, I have this vivid dream, almost like a memory, of some place I've never seen before. Whenever I have that reoccurring dream, it feels like I'm at home. I'm walking alone through a city that looks high tech and beautiful. No one in the streets or in their houses, everything is empty. I can hear a small humming coming from deep within the city, I try to get closer, but before I can find where the noise is coming from, I wake up. 

    Sometimes I think I'm just catching a glimpse of my life in a parallel universe. This dream is what motivates me to invent. I know one day I'll find a way to bridge the gap between my dream and the real world. For those of you interested, the song I'm listening to is "In My Head by Bedroom".  


  1. A vivid dream, you have :-) May you succeed in bridging the gap between your dream and the real world ^_^

  2. I've had dreams like that before. I sometimes have night terrors, which is just horrible in itself. But that's a great song to listen to!

  3. Parts of your dream are coming closer and closer to being realized, I think.

    With Jakarta sinking into the sea, Indonesia is apparently charging full-steam ahead on the construction of a new capital "smart city." I'm beyond intrigued to see what comes of it.

    I know Egypt is working on a smart counterpart to Cairo, and some of what they've built in Arabia is insanely impressive as well.

    Not having been to Arabia yet, I think the closest I've seen to "high tech and clean" would be Japan and Korea. Singapore, too. Singapore really is cutting edge; it's amazing. Japan's a bit older, but Tokyo still remains like something out of a fantasy experience.

  4. I don't really recall my dreams, and I wish I do. If I do remember my dreams it's all the weird parts.

  5. Sometimes I have a recurring dream of being stalked by the grudge. It is pretty terrifying.

  6. This dream is out of space! Keep on dreaming brother, you never know when they will become a reality.

  7. Write down your dream every time might have new details to help finish your plan

  8. I hope you are one day able to build that bridge, it may be something we all need. I usually have a reoccurring nightmare of me drowning and trying to swim to the surface which never seems to come, and just as things start to go black I wake up gasping for air.

  9. When I was younger I would get recurring dreams of loosing my two front teeth. It seems so real, I would wake up relief that it was only a dream. This dream makes me brush and floss excessively. I never want to loose my teeth. Maybe some day you will bridge the gap between worlds, you never know.

  10. Sometimes it seems so distant and unattainable, but its those individuals who never give up and continuously stride for greatness that achieve incredible moments and legacies.

  11. Sounds like a very vivid dream. When I was younger, I would keep a dream journal to keep track of the kind of dreams I had.

  12. Bezos keeps giving free trips to space like it's candy so who knows? You may be able to do so one day.
