Wednesday, April 20, 2022

My Spring Break

    So I had plans to spend Spring Break chilling in the pool with my daughter, but she ended up getting sick. Between my baby being sick and this crazy wind we had practically all week, we barely got to swim. Although we didn't get to spend the entire week in the pool, she had a blast the days we did go swimming and that's all that matters, it's not like the pool is going anywhere lol. If you're interested, the song I'm listening to today is "You Ain't The Problem by Michael Kiwanuka". Hope everybody enjoyed their Spring Break, have a great day/night! 


  1. Very glad to hear your daughter had a blast the days you did go swimming :-)

    Yes, the pool is not going anywhere ^_^

  2. It has been super windy and it's making my allergies act up.

  3. It seems like life is always getting in the way.

    Glad you got to swim a little bit, anyway.

  4. I am glad you get to enjoy swimming even if for a day. Don't worry summer is coming, you will have plenty good days for swimming.

  5. Sounds like you guys had a great time regardless.

  6. Glad you still had fun and with summer being here soon she will have plenty of time to make up for her missed days of swimming.

  7. This wind has been crazy these past couple of days! Glad you guys had a good time either way!

  8. I feel it, I've been sick as well and I'm over it. But at least y'all still got to swim!

  9. Glad you were still able to spend some quality time swimming with your daughter.

  10. It's been very windy lately and it ruins the day sometimes.

  11. I hope your baby gets well soon. So disappointing that you could not enjoy your spring break like you wanted to.

  12. Well now that you have the pool yall can just go swimming whenever you want!
