Thursday, May 5, 2022

These Blogs Are Nearly Done With!!!!!!!!!

    I don't know what to say, I really disliked this bit of our class. It's forced me to open up a whole lot more than I normally do. There's people in my life who have no idea where I am, much less my Spring Break plans. I'm not gonna lie though, I think I'm oddly going to miss this forced form of torture. I really don't know why. I've been trying to figure it out. I think I might just miss the class. The Professor has been great, the guys got the patience of a Saint. I know I've tested it once or twice with my million and one questions, but he's always been willing to take the time to discuss things, or to be more honest debate things, until I understand things fully.  I really wish he taught courses in computer programming, I just hope whoever my Professor eventually ends up being is half as good a teacher. Thanks for all the help Professor.

    For those interested this weeks blog was accompanied by the song "Home Is Where The Hatred Is by Gil Scott-Heron", blasting on repeat as per usual of course.


  1. "Growth occurs outside the comfort zone" is something I have heard in the past.

    That fact that you think you will oddly miss blogging/"forced form of torture" makes me think that more than missing the class, you may enjoy challenges or seek growth :-)

    Thanks for the compliment and you are not the first to bestow upon me 'patience of a saint'! I hope your future instructors can measure up ^_^

  2. I was kind of heartened to read that someone else listens to the same song on repeat.

    I do this...probably too often. It's good to know that I'm not the only one.

  3. I often do find myself sharing news and stories through the blog post way before I even think to tell people in my daily life.

  4. I resonated a lot with this post. I'm also not one to share anything about my personal life either. But I have to admit, I'll miss blogging after this semester is over too. It was a nice outlet.

  5. I like the Blog portion of this class but probably cuz I talk a lot and something is always happening in my life so I don't get stuck on what to write.

  6. This class was actually really fun! Hopefully my next professor is just as patient

  7. I can't wait to never have to write a blog ever again!

  8. The blog posting is not bad, it's the blog commenting that is never ending.

  9. I like reading the blogs. Everyone shares so much about themselves, their culture, the food they like, etc. I enjoy that part most...learning from others.

  10. I personally like blogging and reading about other people's blog and their thought, but my only problem is finding something to blog about recently.

  11. I didn't really care for blogging but once I did my first blog I got really excited, until I ran out of things to write about. I also l enjoy reading everyone's opinion in the comments.

  12. I really like journaling. I do it regularly in composition notebooks, so this was alot of fun for me! Adding a grade to hobbies makes it a bit less fun but it is what it is.
